Montag, 22. Juni 2015

Fill makes the tiger dance

Fill makes the tiger danceOpening ceremony in Shanghai with traditional tiger dance, fireworks and lucky tape for the new company from Upper Austria.

Shanghai/Gurten, 03 June 2015 – May saw the official opening of Fill´s subsidiary in China. China and the Innviertel region love symbols and rituals in equal measure. "They just do things a little differently here," states Andreas Fill, CEO and proprietor of Fill Machine Engineering. Two people in tiger costumes dance and "spew" lucky scrolls. A lucky tape is severed. The fireworks are always a must. The louder they are, the more successful the future will be.

World´s largest automotive market
With their new overseas subsidiary in Shanghai, the Upper Austrian machine engineering experts can deal with the emerging Chinese market even more rigorously. Fill machines and systems are already being used successfully at more than 20 locations in China. With over 19 million vehicles (cars and commercial vehicles) produced per annum, China is the world´s largest automotive market. Quality and expertise from Fill are held in high esteem by Chinese car manufacturers. The aerospace industry is booming as well. "The founding of Fill China with our own sales, service, and installation team places us even closer to the customer and will allow us to further expand our position in this important market," Andreas Fill emphasized at the opening ceremony. Fill China will be headed on site by General Manager Frank Landgraf. Thomas Rathner is responsible for Fill China as CEO of the subsidiary from the headquarters in Upper Austria.

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If you have any questions, please contact:
Altausseer Strasse 220
8990 Bad Aussee, Austria Tel.: +43 3622 55344-0

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