Dienstag, 4. Februar 2014



Lecture forum – "Prospects for lightweight engineering" 
Regular technology transfer at the "Fill Academy." High-ranking experts discuss the future of lightweight engineering technology.

Specialist machine engineer Fill and the Association of German Engineers (VDI) promote the interdisciplinary exchange of views and information: A series of events will be held this autumn within the framework of the "Fill Academy" in Gurten, Upper Austria, on the subject of "Prospects for lightweight engineering." In a series of specialist public lectures with subsequent rounds of discussions, experts with scientific background and industrial experience will report on "High-performance fiber composites in volume production" (1 October 2012), "Lightweight engineering concepts and solutions with aluminum" (5 November 2012), and "Adhesive bonding solutions for joining hybrids" (3 December 2012).

Gurten, 13 September 2012 – The long-term megatrend of more efficient and sustainable resource utilization is now speeding up the development of new lightweight engineering solutions in all market segments. At the same time, a growing trend towards use of intelligent hybrid concepts (“material on local demand”) can be seen. "High-performance metals, functionally modified polymers and highly stressable fiber composites are being combined purposefully. Simultaneous use of these innovative material groups from different material worlds in a single component, however, requires a high level of application engineering knowledge as well as well-founded expertise in appropriate forming and joining processes," explains Jörg Vetter, a materials and processes expert at Fill. Precisely these issues will be dealt with in autumn by experienced specialists in three technical lectures.

Inter-industry technology transfer
The "Prospects for lightweight engineering" forum is being held within the framework of the "Fill Academy" information platform. In so doing, the interdisciplinary exchange of information across industrial sectors is consciously being promoted to encourage joint development of sustainable concepts for intelligent applications, effective use of complex multi-material systems on a broad basis, and hence allow consistent implementation of technological success factors in international competition. The public presentations on  "High-performance fiber composites in high-volume production – it works, let´s do it!" (speaker: Dr. Wacker, OECHSLER AG, Ansbach, Germany) on 1 October 2012, "Lightweight engineering concepts and solutions with aluminum" (Dr. Chimani, LKR GmbH, Ranshofen, Austria) on 5 November 2012 and "Adhesive bonding solutions for joining hybrids" (Dr. Engels, HENKEL AG & Co. KGaA, Düsseldorf, Germany) on 3 December 2012 each begin – following an optional company tour at 15:00 – at 16:30 in the Fill head office in Gurten, Upper Austria. The events all come to an end at about 18:00 with a subsequent get-together. Please register as soon as possible by e-mail to academy@fill.co.at.

Corporate data
Fill is a leading international machine and plant manufacturing company for diverse branches of industry. The family-owned business excels in the use of the latest technologies in management, communication, and production. Business operations encompass the fields of metal, plastics and wood for the automotive, aircraft, wind energy, sport and building industries. The company is the global market leader in ski and snowboard production machines and aluminum core removal technology. Andreas Fill and Wolfgang Rathner are joint CEOs of the company founded in 1966 that is still completely family-owned. The company became a public limited company (GmbH) in 1987, was certified in accordance with ISO 9001 in 1997, and now has more than 550 employees.

More information can be found at: www.fill.co.at

If you have any further questions, please contact:
Altausseer Strasse 220
8990 Bad Aussee / Austria
Tel.: +43 3622 55344-0 Fax: +43 3622 55344-17
E-mail: presse@kommhaus.com

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